
Electricity Social Tariff

Who is it for?

This rate is for clients who have a contracted power equal to or less than 6.9 kVA in permanent accommodation.



And in addition, you should be the beneficiary of at least one Social Security benefit. Learn more here..


Alternatively, have an annual income of € 5,808 or more, plus 50% for each additional element of the household that does not receive an income, up to a maximum of 10 people. Learn more here..


What is the maximum annual income applicable to access the social tariff?

The following table identifies the maximum annual income in relation to the number of household members * who do not receive any income:

Elements of the household12345678910
Annual Maximum Income (€/year)5.808€8.712€11.616€14.520€17.424€20.328€23.232€26.136€29.040€31.944€

* The household is considered to be the set of persons to which the final customer belongs, and their dependents, under the terms defined in the IRS code.

What discount is applied?

The Social Tariff discount is applied on the value of the access tariff to the networks, more precisely on the price of power and energy.
The discount will vary depending on the power contracted and the time cycle.

Contracted Power (kVA)Discount amount (€/day)
Active PowerScheduleDiscount Amount (€/day)
SimpleSingle Timetable0,0287
Bi-Hourly RateOutside Off-Peak Hours 0,0297
Bi-Hourly RateOff-Peak Hours 0,0297
Tri-Hourly RatePeak Hour0,0297
Tri-Hourly RateFull time0,0289
Tri-Hourly RateOff-Peak Hours0,0292

Questions about the Social Tariff

How is the Social Tariff allocated?

The attribution of the social tariff became automatic under the Directorate General of Energy and Geology (DGEG), and the client has 30 days to oppose this allocation.

Can I apply for the Social Tariff?

Although the process of being assigned the social tariff is automatic, alternatively, the potential beneficiary may request proof of their economic situation from the Social Security Institute and the Customs Tax Authority, which should be sent to LUZiGÁS via the following e-mail address: geral@luzigas.pt .

Where can I get more information?

Contact LUZiGÁS via the following e-mail: geral@luzigas.pt or on 808 203 825 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 7pm - Call to the national fixed network). You can also consult the DGEG website at www.dgeg.pt or phone 21 792 27 00.

What social benefits are covered?

Supplements for the elderly

Social integration income

Unemployment benefits

Family allowance

Social security disability pension

Old age pensions